Per the suggestion of a few people, I decided to accept a few forms of cryptocurrency, although I’m still not super sold on the idea, I do believe the Cryptocurrencies are around to stay. I do have a lot of misgivings about them, however. I have decided to accept only 3, and I want to explain why these three.
- Bitcoin, because, well, it is the most well know. 12E3cnFerWajEHpgmUrK2AbGCT1AEDuDSJ
- Curecoin- Curecoin's "mining" is really a use of your GPU to help medical science cure diseases like Cancer and Alzheimer's. BPiLQ388aeJs27L6k8cKmEfCePRAouWk3f. I do also accept the related Curecoin, at the same address as my BTC address above.
- VCash- This is in my opinion the best technology behind coins. Transactions can be done in a few seconds, which is what we expect of modern purchases. VnnsV3bFtwpWHDdn9VHEyhP46Ak9oP9ZSY